Talking Therapies Hampshire

TTHlogo.pngTalking Therapies Hampshire is a service for people over 16 registered with a GP in Hampshire, who work with patients who have anxiety (PTSD, OCD, Social anxiety, Panic etc), depression and people living with long term conditions that impact their wellbeing.

They support people to improve their mental wellbeing through education, guided self-help tools and evidence-based talking therapies.

Talking Therapies Hampshire is a primary care service, which means they work alongside GPs to help people to recover from the most common mental health problems like anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and phobias.

The service is provided by Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and Solent Mind.

You can find out more information about the service on their website:

Comprehend, Cope and Connect (CCC)

CCC, a Third Wave CBT approach, is found in many of the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust’s Acute services and some Primary Care Networks. It is suitable for both working age and older adults.

A CCC programme linking individual sessions with a 12-week course is currently offered by italk.

"CCC gave me the confidence to manage my feelings from the past and release myself from self-blame. I can now be kind to myself, which I wasn’t able to do before." M

CCC is a branch of CBT; it aims to help you approach things differently, do things differently and manage feelings differently – so that life works better.

CCC is interested in you as a whole person. Its goal is to empower you, helping you to understand your strengths, realise your potential and achieve a sense of wider connection.


CCC starts from how you feel now, helping you comprehend those feelings. It explores how past events can be influencing you, and takes your emotions, experiences, and the circumstances around these, seriously.

With support from a therapist or keyworker, CCC helps you manage in the present and take steps towards a better, brighter future.

Connecting with others through a course or group work, you will be supported at every step of your journey to learn and practice new coping methods. Techniques include:

  • Grounding yourself in the present
  • Treating yourself with kindness
  • Learning to use feelings like anger and sadness to your advantage
Contact information

Please telephone: 023 8038 3920


Email address
Out of hours
  • 111 -  Mental Health Triage Service  - can be accessed by phone by dialling 111 and online at
  • Samaritans  -  116 123 offers a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.

Accessibility tools

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