Annual Report

We produce an annual report every year to tell people about:

  • What we do                 
  • How we’re performing    
  • The quality and safety of our services
  • Our governance processes
  • Our finances
  • What our plans for key areas for the coming year are

As a Foundation Trust, we have to submit our annual report and accounts to NHS Improvement (the independent regulator of Foundation Trusts) and to Parliament.

If you’d like to receive this information in an alternative format, please contact our Corporate Governance Team on 023 8087 4210.

Please find the Trust's Quality Account 2023/24 below.

Our Annual Report will be available in the coming months, following it being laid before parliament.

Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2022/2023 have been laid before parliament. You can download them below. You can also download our quality account below. A summary version of the annual report will be published in due course. 

Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2021/2022 have been laid before parliament. You can download them below. You can also download our quality account below. A summary version of the annual report will be published in due course. 

Each year we develop a Summary Annual Report or Review of the Year document to showcase key pieces or work from the Trust over the last year. This year we produced an animated Review of the Year featuring some highlights from the 2021/22 finacial year. You can watch the video below

Each year we develop a Summary Annual Report or Review of the Year document to showcase key pieces or work from the Trust over the last year. This year we worked with Drop The Mask a local community interest company (CIC) specialising in digital production and run by people with lived experience of mental health issues to create a video version. You can watch the video, which is introduced by our Chair, Lynne Hunt, below.

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