Our strategy

Our strategy is our plan for the whole Trust. It sets out our vision and purpose, and the big priorities we are working on to get there. It also describes how we will know that our plans are making a difference to our patients, carers and staff.

Our vision and purpose is: We will, together, deliver outstanding treatment and care that improves lives.

Our Board have set out a five-year strategy, with four top priorities:

What success will look like:

  • A positive experience of care for all
  • More people enjoying healthier lives and good mental health
  • Equal support for our vulnerable and seldom heard communities

Download and read our: 

What success will look like:

  • The Trust is well-led and one of the best places to work in the NHS
  • A workforce representative of our communities at all levels
  • The capability to retain, attract and develop our workforce
  • A safe workplace where staff wellbeing is actively supported

Download and read the Becoming the Best Employer strategy. .

What success will look like:

  • Seamless local care provided in partnership with primary care
  • Care models that are co-designed with users, families and carers
  • The Trust as a lead partner in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight health and care system

What success will look like:

  • A sustainable financial plan and realisation of our investment plans
  • Improved therapuetic care environments
  • A reduced impact on the environment
  • Improved care by embracing digital technology and innovation

Download and read our Green Plan.

Our strategy is based on evidence and best practice, as well as information and trends about the health needs of our local population. It is based on feedback from our patients, families, carers and staff. Our strategy is also linked to the plans and priorities of the local health and care system.  

Our strategy is not set in stone. We regularly review it to make sure our priorities stay current and relevant. We welcome feedback on our strategy and if you would like to share your views, please get in touch: communications@southernhealth.nhs.uk 


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