Gosport Medical Centre and the Willow Group GP practices have merged

1 April 2023

The Willow Group of GP practices and the Gosport Medical Centre (GMC) have merged today (1 April 2023).

Working together will offer both practices the opportunity to create a more resilient service and workforce for patients of both practices. Patients will now be able to access both clinical and non-clinical services across five sites in Gosport – and not one, as it currently is the case for GMC patients. Pooling clinical and administrative resources will help the the GP services respond more effectively to various issues whilst providing increased stability and efficiencies for both practices.

We want to reiterate that as part of this merger there are no plans to reduce any existing services. There will be no staff redundancies and all existing sites will remain open for patients. In the coming weeks there will be opportunities for patients across all practices to learn more and help shape future developments.

For more information please visit the Gosport Medical Centre and the Willow Group Practice websites.

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