Our Governors


The Council of Governors is composed of public governors (who are elected by the public members), staff governors (who are elected by the staff of the Trust) and appointed governors (who are nominated by our partnership organisations).  

The Council of Governors is chaired by our Trust Chair, Lynne Hunt.  The Council meets at least four times a year and the meetings are open to the public. 

The Board of Directors and Council of Governors work closely together. The Governors help shape the strategic direction and key plans of the Trust and its services as well as representing the views of the Trust’s members. Their work ensures the needs of the patients, local population, and staff are fully considered in decisions made about the Trust.

The statutory duties of the Council of Governors are:

  • to hold the Trust's non-executive directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board of Directors.
  • to represent the interests of the members of the trust as a whole and the interests of the public.
  • to appoint the Chair and other non-executive directors and decide their pay and conditions; to approve the appointment of the Chief Executive; to appoint the Auditors and to receive the annual report and accounts.


Southampton Constituency 

Paul Lewzey - It’s important to talk with people who use our services and the people close to them. We need to talk widely in our communities, including with faith groups, voluntary groups and businesses. If you have a mental health issue or a learning disability, stigma and discrimination can affect you seriously.

Vacancies - We are currently running elections for this vacant seat, if you interested in standing, please visit the nomination site or contact Corporate.governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk 

South West Hampshire Constituency

Josie Metcher -  Josie Metcher.jpg
I wanted to become a Public Governor so that I could make a difference and also glimpse into the workings of a Foundation Trust. The NHS is always troubled by bad press but there is a real need for it and I feel passionately that everyone should have good quality care at point of need.

Peter Smith – Peter photo.jpg
I became a Governor to help ensure that the views and needs of patients and residents are well represented to the Trust Board whilst holding it to account in achieving safe, effective and efficient services. This is especially important as health care arrangements develop with the creation of the new Trust covering community services in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

I’m actively involved in the community and church with three grown up children and eleven grandchildren, most of whom are either NHS patients or employees. I was a Senior Civil Servant and a NHS Finance Director skilled in helping to deliver effective public services, organisational change, strategic financial management, good governance and risk management.

Since retiring, I’ve served the wider community as a NHS Non-Executive Director, University Governor, Probation Board member and as Chair of Winchester City Council’s Standards Committee, Winchester University of the 3rd Age and Hope Church Trustees.


Vacancy - We are due to run an election for this vacant seat in the next month, if you interested in standing, please visit the nomination site or contact Corporate.governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk 

North Hampshire Constituency

Venus Madden – Venus Madden - Photo updated 2022.jpg
I wanted to become a Governor because I love interacting with others and listening to their views. I am an Occupational Therapist by background and am currently working in a high secure hospital. I believe for any health service to move forward, the Trust needs to engage, empower and enable the public to share their views and experiences of its services.

John Lay -  
I have 20 years private and 28 years of public sector working experience, including as a SeniorPhoto - John Lay.jpg Manager, Director, Chartered Accountant and Chartered IT Practitioner. I am a local Councillor, a Pension Trustee and a Director of a £0.5 billion company.
I have extensive consultation experience, both informal and formal market research. I am a passionate supporter of the NHS and am keen to do all I can to ensure the services of the Trust are protected and maintained. 


Vacancy - We are currently running elections for this vacant seat, if you interested in standing, please visit the nomination site or contact Corporate.governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk 

South East Hampshire Constituency

Suzanne Pepper – Suzanne Pepper.jpg
I became a Governor to ensure transparency in the services that will be delivered to the highest of standards with patient needs in the forefront of everyone’s mind constantly. I will act as a critical friend and I have no issue speaking truth to power. I will investigate all issues and believe in delivering praise and encouragement as well as voicing concerns.

Vacancy -  We are working with the incoming candidate to complete pre-appointment checks.  

Vacancy - We are currently running elections for this vacant seat, if you interested in standing, please visit the nomination site or contact Corporate.governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk 

Rest of England

Michael North - michael north.jpg
NHS Foundation Trusts are built on the founding principle of local accountability and, in order to ensure that this is achieved, a strong and effective working relationship between our Trust, it’s dedicated staff, it’s governors and the community it serves is essential. As a Public Governor I am pleased, and indeed honoured to be part of this.



Isle of Wight 

Vacancies - We are currently running elections for two vacant seats within this Constituency, if you interested in standing, please visit the nomination site or contact Corporate.governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk 

The staff constituency is divided into four classes based on the geographical boundaries within which the Trust operates, these are; North Hampshire, Southampton, South West Hampshire, and South East Hampshire.

South West Hampshire


North Hampshire
Laura Nation - Laura Nation - Photo.jpeg

I have previously held a volunteer position with Southern Health. I am a psychological therapist with the Southern Health and am eager to ensure that as a trust we continue to strive to provide the highest standards of treatment and support for both patients and staff. I am delighted to support the trust to fulfil its objectives during this unprecedented time and believe that partnership and integration are key.


South East HampshireIngrid Mead Pic Cropped.jpg
Ingrid Mead -
 I have been a qualified nurse for almost 30 years with most of that spent in the community. I am dedicated to improving outcomes for our service users and ensuring that our staff feel listened to as well as connected with our strategic vision.  I hope that I will be able to act as a conduit, ensuring positive communication between the Board, our service users and staff.


We have seven Appointed Governors who are nominated by our partner organisations, (local authorities, commissioners, academic and voluntary sector). They bring expert insights which have been invaluable.

Prof David Baldwin - David Baldwin.jpg
University of Southampton
As an Appointed Governor I work with the Trust and the University to further collaborative relationships between the two organisations, so helping to improve the expertise and resourcefulness of our clinical services to the benefit of patients, families and staff.

Adrian Thorne, Lead Governor - adrian thorne.jpg
Carers Together
I was nominated by my fellow Governors in July 2020 to be the Lead Governor. I have a particular interest / experiences in how Carers can be supported by the Trust so that patients and service users can receive the services that they require. 

Helen Callen Photo.png

Helen Callen
Age Concern Hampshire
Age Concern Hampshire is an independent registered charity working to support the ageing journey for older people in the county. As appointed Governor representing our charity, I am particularly interested in fostering collaborative partnership working and how older people, particularly those with dementia are supported by the trust.

Larissa Atkins
UnlocLarissa Picture.PNG
I am stepping in as Appointed Governor for Unloc until we identify a new youth candidate following our
previous candidate, Libby Garrett, successfully securing a place to study medicine at University and choosing to step down to pursue her studies.
Unloc’s mission is to empower young people to be innovative changemakers. We develop young people’s
skills, enhance their potential and boost their determination to succeed. I am fortunate, through my career
at Unloc, to have worked with the Trust to deliver various youth engagement programmes including: launching the Trust Youth Board, running Health & Wellbeing Roadshows, and inspiring young people into careers in the NHS through talks, webinars and events. I look forward to appointing a new youth candidate in the coming months.

Councillor Christian CoxC Cox Picture.PNG
Southampton City Council
I am a city councillor in Southampton and work in the National Institute of Health and Care research and as such have a strong interest in improving services for both patients and staff, both now and for the future.


Isle of Wight Council

Hampshire County Council

The Service User and Carer Constituency is made up of members who have used services or cared for those who have used services in a period of 3 years immediately preceding the date of an application by the patient or carer to become a member of the trust. 

We are set to run elections within this Constituency later this year, please contact us via Corporate.Governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk if you are interested in becoming a Governor.

Associate Member for Young People

Appointment Committee - The Council of Governors has established an Appointment Committee to recommend the appointment of the Chair and Non-Executive Directors to the Council of Governors, including recommendations on remuneration. 

Appointment Committee Terms of Reference

Agenda Planning Group - The Council of Governors has established this Group to input into the agendas for the Council of Governor meetings, Governor Development Sessions and the Governor Induction programme. 

Agenda Planning Group Terms of Reference


Governor Elections 

We are currently looking for nominations for the following constituencies: 


South West Hampshire (2 places)

South East Hampshire (2 places) 

Isle of Wight (2 places) 

For more details visit our governor nomination page.


Our recent elections have now closed and the results are detailed below:

If you have any queries relating to the role, please contact Corporate.governance@southernhealth.nhs.uk.


Previous Governor Election Results

Please see the results below from our previous Governor Elections:

Register of interests

All of our Governors are required to declare any potential conflict of interest that are relevant or material. This information is presented at every Council of Governors meeting, as well as being available on our website. Click here to view the document. 

If you'd like to receive any information in an alternative format, please contact our Corporate Governance Team on        023 8087 4210

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